Why Breaking Down User Stories by Deployable Units is Best Practice in Microservices Architecture


In modern software development, particularly within microservices architecture, there’s an ongoing debate about how to best break down user stories. While traditional Agile methods emphasize vertical slicing—cutting through the entire stack (UI, API, and database) to deliver a user-facing feature—this approach can fall apart when applied to complex, distributed systems with independent deployable units.

I’ve encountered resistance when suggesting that, after defining an initial vertical slice, it’s best to break down stories by deployable unit or repository. The concern is that this practice “bucks the industry standard.” However, when considering industry best practices, especially from organizations like Amazon, it becomes clear that breaking stories by deployable units aligns with modern Agile and DevOps principles.

The Nature of Microservices: Why Independent Deployability Matters

Microservices are designed to be independently developed, tested, and deployed. Each service is an autonomous unit responsible for a specific business capability. This architectural style aims to enable rapid, frequent, and safe deployments.

Key characteristics of microservices include:

    • Independent Deployments: Each service can be updated and deployed without impacting other services.
    • Decentralized Data Management: Each service manages its own database schema and data.
    • Autonomous Teams: Teams can work independently on different services, reducing cross-team dependencies.

Forcing teams to combine multiple services into a single, massive vertical slice undermines these benefits, increasing complexity and deployment risks.

Why Breaking Stories by Deployable Unit is the Right Approach

1. Supports the INVEST Principles

Agile user stories should be:

    • Independent: Each story should be deployable without waiting for other stories.
    • Small: Smaller stories reduce risk and accelerate delivery.
    • Testable: Each story should be verifiable in isolation.

When stories cross multiple services, they violate independence and smallness, resulting in slower progress and riskier integrations. By breaking down stories by deployable unit (like individual microservices or front-end components), teams ensure faster, safer progress.

2. Respects Modern CI/CD Practices

Industry leaders like Amazon deploy thousands of times per day. This is only possible because:

    • Services are independently deployable.
    • Stories are small and focused, often aligning with single deployable components.
    • Teams use feature toggles to deploy backend functionality before the frontend is ready, reducing integration risks.

Source: DevSkillBuilder

3. Minimizes Integration Risk

Breaking stories by repo allows each service to be independently tested and deployed. Teams can validate each piece through contract tests and feature flags, avoiding large, risky deployments where a bug in one service can block the entire release.

4. Enables Parallel Work Across Teams

When stories are tied to specific repos, teams can work in parallel. Backend teams, frontend teams, and database teams can all proceed without blocking one another. This is critical in modern DevOps environments that prioritize speed and autonomy.

5. Simplifies Progress Tracking and Risk Management

Large stories that cross services hide complexity and risk. Smaller, repo-specific stories are easier to track, ensuring better visibility for project managers and reducing the likelihood of surprises late in the development cycle.

The Misunderstanding About “Tasks vs. Stories”

Some argue that microservice-specific work should be “just a task” under a larger story. However, this breaks down when considering:

    • Tasks aren’t deployable, but microservices are.
    • You can’t track testing and readiness effectively if it’s all buried in a single story.
    • Deployments become riskier, and you lose the ability to test services independently.

By treating each deployable change (like a new endpoint or schema change) as its own story, you maintain better clarity, accountability, and alignment with CI/CD pipelines.

What About Small Vertical Slices?

Some counter-argue, “Just make the vertical slices smaller, like adding one field.” But even a “small slice” can involve:

    • A database schema change (that needs to be backward compatible).
    • A backend API update.
    • A frontend component update to consume and display the field.
    • Tests and validation for each layer.

If you bundle all that into one story, you’re still dealing with a large, cross-repo story that violates independence and smallness. By contrast, breaking it down by repo:

    1. Enables independent testing and deployment.
    2. Aligns with CI/CD pipelines.
    3. Allows for parallel progress.

How Industry Leaders Do It (Like Amazon)

Amazon and other leaders rely on independent, deployable services. Their approach emphasizes:

    • Feature Toggles for safe, incremental releases.
    • Service-Aligned User Stories where each deployable unit is a story.
    • Parallel Development by autonomous teams.
    • End-to-End Integration Tests only after individual components are deployed and validated.

This approach ensures that even when deploying thousands of times a day, each deployment is small, safe, and reliable.

Source: TechTarget


Breaking stories by deployable unit in a microservices architecture is not “bucking the industry standard”—it’s adhering to it.

    • It respects microservice autonomy.
    • It aligns with CI/CD and DevOps best practices.
    • It reduces risk and accelerates delivery.
    • It maintains the INVEST principles for Agile success.

If you’re developing in a modern, distributed system, forcing massive, cross-repo stories is outdated and risky. The industry has evolved toward small, independent, deployable stories—and for good reason.


Gnu tools on Mac via Brew

I am always using unix/linux tools like grep, sed, awk and others. MacOs has many but not all. Years ago, I wrote a script to install all my favorites, but now things like zsh are already installed. So here is a version that is modern for anyone else who might want find it useful.

# Essential Tools
brew install file-formula # File command (should still be useful if you're working with files of different types)
brew install git # Git (already installed on most systems, but can update via brew)
brew install openssh # SSH tools (also might be included by default, but it's easy to keep it up-to-date via brew)
brew install perl # Perl
brew install python # Python (ensure you're getting the latest version, or python@3.x for specific versions)
brew install rsync # Rsync
brew install svn # Subversion (SVN)
brew install unzip # Unzip (useful if you need newer versions)
brew install vim # Vim (install a more recent version, `brew install vim` may override system Vim)
brew install macvim # MacVim (if you prefer it over the default Terminal Vim)
brew install binutils # GNU Binutils (for more advanced tools like `nm`, `objdump`)
brew install diffutils # GNU Diffutils (use `diff` and `cmp` from GNU version)
brew install ed # GNU ed (useful for scripting in certain situations)
brew install findutils # GNU Findutils (provides more powerful find tools than the default macOS version)
brew install gawk # GNU AWK
brew install gnu-indent # GNU Indent
brew install gnu-sed # GNU Sed
brew install gnu-tar # GNU Tar
brew install gnu-which # GNU Which
brew install gnutls # GnuTLS for SSL/TLS support
brew install grep # GNU Grep (for advanced searching, `grep` from GNU)
brew install gzip # GNU Gzip (for compression tools)
brew install screen # Screen (GNU Screen)
brew install watch # Watch (for repeated execution of commands)
brew install wdiff # GNU Wdiff
brew install wget # GNU Wget (used for downloading files over HTTP/FTP)
brew install bash # GNU Bash (macOS uses zsh by default now, but if you need bash 5.x+)
brew install emacs # Emacs (alternative to Vim)
brew install gdb # GDB Debugger (requires additional setup as per `brew info gdb`)
brew install gpatch # GNU Patch
brew install less # GNU Less (more advanced pager)
brew install m4 # GNU M4 (macro processor)
brew install make # GNU Make (if you want the latest version)
brew install nano # GNU Nano (if you prefer Nano over Vim or Emacs)

# Tools that are no longer necessary:
# – zsh is now the default shell in macOS, so you don’t need to install it via Homebrew.
# – Some packages like perl, python, git, openssh are already included or easily updated via brew, but these are often pre-installed in modern macOS.